Molting: The Naked Truth
There comes a time in every chicken’s life (usually around 14 – 18 months old) where they start to lose all their feathers, look gangly and downright ugly. But don’t be alarmed! This is a natural process that occurs annually. This process is called molt. What is molt? Molt is the natural shedding of feathers and regrowth of new ones. This usually happens in the fall as day length shortens. It is the chickens way to refresh old feathers and grow new ones for the coming winter. Molt happens in an expected order, starting at the head, down the back, breast and...
Whitetail Deer Mineral Supplementation
Protein and energy are typically the main topics of discussion when it comes to supplementing whitetail deer, but I am also often asked “should I be feeding free-choice mineral to my deer?”. There are a lot of variables that can come into play when it comes to mineral supplementation, and actually seeing a response, aside from just attracting deer. Most people believe that if deer eat something they put out it must be good for them and they needed it. While I do believe deer exhibit some of this behavior, a lot of the products I see marketed as mineral...
Biking with Your Dog
We all love to walk with our dogs. It is a great way to get exercise and to bond with your pet. However, some of us live in places where dogs cannot always get the exercise they need due to city living or small backyards. There are also many dogs that need more intense exercise than they can get just by walking. For most of us, running for a couple of miles with the dog is out of the question. The solution - consider biking with your dog. This way of spending time with your dog is becoming more and...
Conditioning Your Horse: 5 Types of Fitness
Spring is officially here and you’ve probably got a season full of shows, races, trail rides, and more planned for you and your horse. But before you put your horse back to work, take a minute to think about the importance of conditioning. Conditioning is a huge part of your horse’s health and well being. Taking time to prepare for an event by gradually increasing speed and distance over several weeks is essential to keeping your horse healthy and safe. Conditioning directly relates to five types of fitness in the horse: Cardiovascular fitness refers to how well the blood can circulate...
When Pullets Start to Lay Eggs
Summer has arrived and your spring chicks will be approaching puberty. Assuming they’ve enjoyed good food and care, the young hens, called pullets, begin laying sometime between their 16th and 24th week of age. You can anticipate the arrival of eggs soon! Discovering a hen’s first egg from your own hand-raised chicks is a thrill. Pullet eggs are tiny and look like gems in the nest. If your pullets are over 16 weeks of age, now is the time to switch them to a Nutrena layer feed, as laying hens need special nutrition. Producing eggs places great nutritional strain on...